$8.00 - On Sale
"In the winter of 2011 I spent six weeks living in Los Angeles. My home was a roach-infested, cold and dark one room apartment in Silverlake. During my time there, I watched my life fall apart into a million different pieces and felt homesick, tired and frustrated. It became clear pretty quickly that I had made a big mistake, yet I was stuck there and the thought of leaving for home was almost as scary as was the thought of staying. In the end I upped sticks and travelled across the country into the arms of welcoming friends, my only agenda really being to get as far away from that place and time as possible. To keep me sane during that month or so I set myself the task of writing and recording a song a day. Armed with only a borrowed Les Paul and a little Fender amp, I clocked up over 30 songs; somewhat ironic that my most creative period for years would come out of such a shitty situation. Each morning I would get coffee, walk back and work for a few hours. I'd send occasional rough mixes to friends and the feedback I got kept me going. By a weird twist of fate, upon arriving back to Glasgow, my hard drive died and I lost them all. All I had left was a handful of off the cuff rough mixes. And this is what 'Silverlake Towers' is; the best of the worst times. A musical diary of my folly and and an audio snapshot of a time I am glad is lost to my past."
Hand made edition of 50 tapes. 12 songs recorded in Los Angeles, February 2011. Each order placed will receive a link to download the release as MP3s. Tapes will be shipped in April 2012.